
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Republican supply side economics

This is what the election of a GOP president will worsen if one is elected in 2012. If anyone thinks that the party took us to the brink of a depression will get the economy out of this funk, think again!

The Republicans are trying to present an optimistic united face, but this is hardly the case. The party has deep schism between the country club insiders and the Tea Party Frankenstein they created.

Mitt Romney thinks the health care will improve if each state rolls its own health care plan, which is the status quo. That's exactly what the US had prior to the Affordable Health Care Act.

Is everything roses for Democrats? Not really.

Obama has lost key staff such as Austan Goolsbee and Robert Gibbs. Hillary Clinton is getting ready to bolt. Progressives need to be brought back into the fold. Many have a bitter taste in their mouth after the 2010 elections.

Democrats need to attack Romney's limited political career. He was not an effective governor of Massachusetts because he was inflexible.

This survey is very similar to another one Rightardia viewed directly after Romney left office. The Magellean survey that follows make it clear that Romney left Massachusetts voters with a bad taste in their mouth. .

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Massachusetts Health Care Plan that was enacted by Governor Mitt Romney and the Massachusetts Legislature in 2006?
  • Very Favorable 15%
  • Somewhat Favorable 15%
  • Somewhat Unfavorable 17%
  • Very Unfavorable 34%
  • Total Favorable 30%
  • Total Unfavorable 51%
How would you describe Mitt Romney’s time as Governor of Massachusetts? Would you say he was a “Tea Party conservative” seeking drastic changes to reduce the size of government, or as an “Establishment Republican” willing to compromise with Democrats and maintain the status quo, or a “Moderate or Liberal Republican” who is economically conservative, but liberal on social issues like abortion and gay rights?
  • Establishment Republican 40%
  • Moderate or Liberal Republican 37%
  • Tea Party Conservative 13%
Survey of 740 likely 2012 Massachusetts Republican Presidential primary voters was conducted April 25-26, 2011. The margin of error is +/- 3.6 percentage points. Party ID breakdown: 55% Republican; 45% Independent.

Romney issued nearly a thousand vetoes as governor, most of which of which were overturned in one of the state houses.  His vetoes even began to annoy Republicans in the legislature where he lost support among them too.Romney defended his vetoes: 
I know how to veto. I like vetoes. I've vetoed hundreds of spending appropriations as governor.
Rightardia believes Romney would be a grid lock president unless the GOP controlled both the House and the Senate 

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