
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dick Morris gets the word on the country club fix to nominate Romney

Dick Morris has previously been very critical of Romney, explaining to Sean Hannity on February 28: 
I do not like Romney. It's the only one that I really attack ... I want to be sure that the new president will repeal Obamacare. And since he enacted the equivalent of Obamacare in Massachusetts, they call it Romneycare, and I talk about how disastrous it's been, I can't trust him on that.
On March 2, Morris told Bill O'Reilly that Romney couldn't win the nomination because of "Romneycare": 
In terms of Romney, it's not an Achilles heel, it's an Achilles body. There is no way this guy is going to get nominated with him having passed the equivalent of Obamacare.
And in October 2010, Morris said at a tea party gathering that he was "opposed to Mitt Romney:"
. . . after "I got educated on health care, and I saw how horrible that bill that he signed is working in Massachusetts, [inaudible] is doubled, and now it's like a four month wait to see an internist in Boston. It used to be six days.
Dick Morris admitted today that he's stopped criticizing Mitt Romney because the former Massachusetts governor might be the Republican nominee for president:

 I don't want to make my own task [of defeating Obama] harder. 

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