
Monday, June 13, 2011

The nature and origin of religious power

by Secular Human and The Blasphemer

Rightardia was reading an article that baptisms have been declining in the US.

Baptisms fell to their lowest number in 60 years among Southern Baptists. The Southern Baptists are nation's largest Protestant denomination.

One of The Blasphemer's relatives is a Catholic priest. He is leaving an an affluent parish in Florida to take a position at a Catholic university in the northeast because he has been visiting more nursing homes and attending more funerals than baptisms and confirmations. 

Many churches are administering more to the dead and dying than to to the living. 

The pipeline for the churches have always been youth. Many kids attend church schools before they attended primary school. The church then starts indoctrinating kids with irrational beliefs in the supernatural and magic. 

Some of the "faith-based beliefs in Christianity: 

1. There is a big guy named God who created the universe. You were created in his image. 
2. There is another big bad guy called Satan who was cast out of heaven for opposing God. The moral of this story: don't resist church authority. Go with the flow!
3. God sent his son. Jesus, to the Earth by magically impregnating a human female to show us the way. The ancient Israelites and Romans didn't like his ideas and executed him. Jesus' death was  necessary so "Jesus could die for our sins."
4. God destroyed the world once before after he commanded all of the animals to get on Noah's ark so the critters could repopulate the world after the deluge.

There are legions of these myths and fables and none of them are likely to be true. However, kids are gullible and if you fills their minds with this tripe early enough, they will believe this stuff into adulthood and also indoctrinate their kids with this same nonsense when they have children. 

As an adult you can break the chain by keeping your kids out of Sunday school. Let them make up their own mind about religion when they are older, preferably in the early teens. 

Rightardia views religion as a tax exempt racket that ceased performing a useful functions more than a millennia ago. 

I anyone surprised that the gullible and under-educated on the right wing embrace religion more than Democrats? Is anyone surprised that Sarah Palin appeals to these nut jobs? 

Of course, the US is the most relgious nation in the western world. 

Rightardia is pleased that religion is trending down in the US. The US needs more rationality to deal with the problems of the 2st Century and less irrationality that religion represents. 

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