
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Governor Rick Scott’s Weekly Radio Address, June 24, 2011

Uploaded by  on Jun 23, 2011

This is Governor Rick Scott. This week I signed three bills that cut the cost of government and make our state a safer place to live, work and play.

The first bill cuts next year's property taxes for homeowners and businesses by more than $210-million-dollars. Lowering taxes is the most important step we can take to create jobs in our state.

This tax cut allows families and businesses to use more of their hard-earned money how they see best, instead of a government agency.

Next, I signed legislation to reform Florida's retirement system. It will protect Florida's government retirees, their pensions and Florida taxpayers.

State workers will now put 3-percent of their salaries toward their retirement -- just like the private sector does. Without reform, Florida's government pensions overburden our state's taxpayers.

Last, I was honored to sign into law Silver Alerts that help prevent tragedy when a person with dementia or Alzheimer's disease is missing. Silver Alerts help law enforcement officers find missing seniors who may be in a dangerous situation -- and safely return them to their loved ones.

In closing, I ask you to keep in your prayers the families of the two firefighters who lost their lives battling wildfires in our state this week.

According to the St. Petersburg Times, the Florida legislature did not reduce taxes in the last session. With the Florida state debt of $23 billion and the continuing layoffs of state employees, how can the state really cut taxes?

The state did, indeed, change the retirement system for teachers and other state employees. According  the Police Benevolent Association, the new retirement system has a limited impact on police and fire fighters: 

Pension Reform: It is all in the “Eye of the Beholder”

Of course, most police and fire fighters are municipal employees, not state. Likewise, silver alerts are hardly an innovation of Rick Scott. The program was instituted by Gov. Charlie Crist. 


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