
Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Daily Beast: Has the GOP lost its mind? "

Here are things that Republicans suggested eliminating or privatizing in last night’s debate: 

  1. FEMA, 
  2. NASA, 
  3. the EPA, 
  4. the Federal Labor Relations Board, 
  5. Medicaid 
  6. food stamps. 
Herman Cain promised not to appoint any Muslims who want to kill Americans to his cabinet. 

Michele Bachmann supports states rights on gay marriage, but also supports a constitutional amendment outlawing it. 

Newt Gingrich faults big government for the lamentable absence of manned stations on the moon. 

Rick Santorum wants to “a system of discipline” to “punish” gay soldiers, which suggests that his problem with pornographic Google results is not likely to abate. 

Tim Pawlenty views Iraq as “one of the shiniest examples of success in the Middle East.”

--Michelle Goldberg

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