
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mediaite: What American Export Can Be Less Helpful To The Middle East’ Than Beck?

Rachel Maddow discussed the sensitive issues on the ongoing Middle East peace process.

She concluded “everyone can agree that this particular moment in the Middle East is even more delicate than usual.”

Earlier today Beck announced his plans to hold a rally in Israel.

Maddow will certainly not be attending the rally and thought the whole idea was ludicrous:

What could be worse than Fox News exporting its end of the world conspiracy theorist who sees Communists and George Soros as a Jewish puppet-master in everything? What American export can be less helpful to the Middle East than that?

Rightardia couldn't agree more. Maddow is spot on and Beck "spot off."

Israel had some great opportunities in the last round of discussions with the US and Palestine, but Bibi Natenyahu wanted to maintain the status quo and now the situation for Israel is far more grave than it was a year ago. Those opportunities are gone.

Rightardia thinks that peace in the middle east will not be possible until Natenyahu resigns or is removed from office in the next election cycle.

AIPAC has been a negative force in the peace progress and is dominated by Zionist  neo-conservatives. Obama would be smart to play hardball with these numb nutz and work with the progressives in J-Street.

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