
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 How did a black president do what a white one couldn't do?

The question posed in this post is a red herring. This is why racism isn't needed in the White House.

It looks like the birthers are turning into deathers. These conspiracy conservatives want to see pictures of the corpse of Osama bin Laden to be convinced he is really dead.

Bin Laden's corpse was handled IAW Muslim traditions and his casket was dropped somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean.

Muslims are supposed to be buried with one day of death and it is likely the administration didn't want a burial site in Pakistan or the US because it would have become a terrorist shrine.

Sleep with the fishes, Osama! 

Meanwhile some wingers are trying to claim that Bush era water boarding was responsible for the apprehension of Bin Laden. GW Bush tried to link the Iraq invasion to Bin Laden but there was no connection with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden nor were there any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The death of Bin Laden is a clear "mission accomplished." The US is spending $2 billion per week to $12 billion a month in Afghanistan and gaining little from the effort. It's time to cut out losses and put that money into the US economy.

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