
Monday, April 25, 2011

Rick Kriseman letter on the recall of Rick Scott

Being just one guy in the minority in the Florida Legislature, sometimes all I can do is start a conversation. Given the hyper partisanship in Tallahassee, the likelihood of any of my ideas being given at chance at becoming law, especially legislation allowing for recalls, is almost nil.
But I do believe in the power of the citizenry, and in your ability to assist me and to also affect change on your own. This petition is proof of that. Regardless of whether our legislation lives or dies, the petition you signed allows me to keep you abreast of future developments related to recalls in Florida. 

Should a formidable citizen-led recall petition drive begin, I will notify you immediately on ways sign on and to help. 

In the interim, please consider connecting with me on Facebook or Twitter, or sign up to receive future campaign updates by visiting my website

Finally, here's a couple of things you can do right now. 

1) Forward our petition to your friends via email or share on a social networking website. 

2) Contact my colleagues and encourage them to co-sponsor and support our legislation, HJR 785 and HB 787.

Thank you again for your activism and passion for good government. I won't stop fighting for you.


Rick Kriseman

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