
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh no! Michelle Bachmann for president?

Michelle Bachmann said this on Fox News:

I have a very broad, extensive background. I'm a student of many years. 

I've studied a number of, a wide berth of topics. I sit currently on the Intelligence Committee. We deal with the classified secrets and with the unrest that's occurring around the world. 

I also sit on Financial Services Committee. But again, I've lived life. 

Tomorrow, I'll be celebrating my 55th birthday, and I've had a wide, extensive life. 

And again, my background is a very practical, solution-oriented vision." -Michele Bachmann (R-MN), in an interview with Bill O'Reilly, touting her qualifications for holding the Office of the President of the United States of America.

This a very abstract resume for someone who thinks they are qualified to be president.  Bachman has been sitting on the intelligence committee for about two months after seeking a House committee chair.

Rightardia checked her resume on Wikipeadia and it is limited and much of her education is from Oral Roberts University. See

Well,her nomination would make for an interesting race, wouldn't it?

We wonder how many news people in the mainstream media would be able to keep a straight face.

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