
Monday, April 18, 2011

Mediaite: Weekly Standard disses "The Donald"

Stephan Hayes of the Weekly Standard:
The problem I think he has is that he’s sort of a clownish figure. He doesn’t really have any ideas. He was supporting Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama two years ago, he’s been on every side of every issue and in every conceivable political position over the past decade. So he’s not a terribly serious candidate.
Hayes does say suggesting that Trump is “brash and aggressive,” unlike most other potential Republican candidates.

Rightardia thinks that Trump would make a poor president and would have the myopic view of government with its main functions being defense and reduced spending. 

So far Trump has portrayed himself as a birther, called the President Obama "the worst ever" and indicated he would spend $500 million to become president.

Most Americans know that GW Bush was probably one of the worst modern American presidents in US history, possibly only exceeded by Richard Nixon.

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