
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Curse of Count Trumpula

Want a peek of what "the Donald " would be like as president. Take a gander at another billionaire, Rick Scott, the grifter governor of Florida.

Joe Scarborough made a comparison today between Trump and Ronald Reagan. OMG!

Some of the Morning Joe staff called Trump a fighter! How is that a presidential qualification? it seems to Rightardia that entirely too much fighting has been going on in Washington.

Others gnashed their teeth and said that Trump isn't a politician. Do we really want someone to be president who is not a politician and let them flounder around for two years to figure out the job like Rick Scott?

Trump is arguing that we are paying too much for oil. Isn't Obama trying to green up the energy issue to decrease the demand for oil? Does trump think we can steal oil form other nations or beat up OPEC?

Does Trump really think he can take on the Chinese? The Chinese economy is expected to be larger than the US economy in 2020. We need to work with the Chinese and not to get into a protracted struggle with them because we have an ego maniacal leader.

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