
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grifter Gov. Rick Scott loudly booed at Spring Training Camp

Rightardia sent staffers to campaign for Scott's opponent, Alex Sink, during the 2010 election cycle and we warned voters about Scott.

Top You Tube Comments on this video

1. He (Rick Scott) doesn't want to talk in public 

2. He doesn't support the anti-gerrymandering bill(holding politicians accountable.) 

3. Cuts education 10% per student (actually 15 per cent).

4. Want to pack the supreme court with only his ideological counterpoints.

  • Facism at it's finest. If you can't see this slippery slope then you are uneducated and blinded by your own ideology.
  • @pavkey88 You like a criminal, he got SuperBooed, the people hate his crimes and his lies, we've HAD IT> this criminal has GOT TO GO NOW!!!
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