
Monday, March 14, 2011

The Portland Press Herald : Stephen King calls GOP governors the 'Three Stooges'

Updated: Today at 11:28 AM

Maine horror novelist Stephen King, who owns property in Maine and Florida, went after the Republican governors of both states during a rally in Sarasota, FL, last week.

King, an outspoken Democrat, called the Maine Gov. Paul LePage a "stone brain." He also compared LePage, Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker to the Three Stooges. King said:

So, you've got LePage in Maine, Walker in Wisconsin, you've got Scott in Florida. Larry, Curly and Moe. That's what we've got here,

The multimillionaire wondered why he doesn't pay more in federal taxes:

As a rich person, I pay 28 percent tax. What I want to ask you is, why am I not paying 50 percent? Why is anybody in my bracket not paying 50?"

Well, you know what? The Republicans will tell you -- from John Boehner to Mitch McConnell to Rick Scott -- that we can't do that. Because if we tax guys like me, there won't be any jobs. It's bull. It's plain, old bull.

He also sarcastically praised Scott's decision to decline federal funding for a rail line in Florida:

He's probably right, probably it would be a bad deal, considering how low the price of gasoline is,"

Who would want to get on a railroad when they can ride scenic I-4? And wait in traffic? Maybe my next horror novel could star Rick Scott.


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