
Monday, March 14, 2011

DCCC starts Campaign Against Rep. Sean Duffy & Gov. Walker for Selling Out Wisconsin Workers

As Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) welcomes Governor Walker to his own district today to fundraise off an extreme, coordinated effort to sell out Wisconsin working families, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching an online advertising campaign to commemorate the occasion.

The ad to hold Representative Duffy and Governor Walker accountable for standing together to fundraise off destroying the rights of Wisconsin workers can be found here:

DCCC Online Ad Running in Wisconsin

Haley Morris of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said:

Just days after Governor Walker’s historic power grab at the expense of Wisconsin workers, Representative Sean Duffy is not only welcoming the Governor to his district, but hoping to cash in.

By standing at Governor Walker’s side and expecting to profit off his deplorable agenda, Representative Sean Duffy has made it clear that he supports a coordinated  campaign to sell out Wisconsin working families.

Although Representative Sean Duffy has been “noticeably silent” regarding the situation in Wisconsin, his hand in supporting Governor Walker and oil billionaire Koch brothers’ agenda to hurt working families has not been well hidden.

In addition, the LA Times noted that Representative Duffy’s former campaign manager and chief of staff left him to lead Koch’s efforts in Wisconsin, namely to help support Governor Walker’s anti-worker tactics.

Representative Duffy’s hypocrisy has sparked the ire of the Editorial Board at the Wausau Daily Herald who was disappointed by his lack of leadership and transparency.


Duffy’s former campaign manager accepted a position with Koch’s Americans for Prosperity. In March 2011, the LA Times reported that Duffy’s former campaign manager, Matt Seaholm, accepted a position with Americans for Prosperity, “one of Walker's most vocal allies in his skirmish with the unions.” [LA Times, 3/10/11]

Local news spoke out against Duffy’s failed leadership. During the protests in Wisconsin over Governor Scott Walker’s attempts to strip collective bargaining rights, the Wausau Daily Herald wrote that Duffy’s failure to comment on the situation was “weak” and “just plain lame.” [Wausau Daily Herald2/19/11]
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