
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Doe NETFLIX own the furture of entertainment video?

Rightardia wrote some articles on Netflix before.

Netflix is essentially a wireless client that receive streaming media from the Internet for about $8 per month.  You can also order the newer moves though the mail for a couple of extra dollars per month.

It's not perfect. You wireless client has to be close to a wireless Internet router with the preferred 802.11N service. Sometimes the movie times out and has to be reloaded to resume. Most of the streaming media movies are the older flicks.

Did Nettflix take the mighty BlockBuster down by itself? We doubt that.

People can rent movies for $1 a day form Redbox®. Many grocery stores also have low cost rentals. When the video market changed, BlockBuster simply didn't adapt fast enogh. New technology and lower priced rivals killed it.

Some market prophets predicted the decline of video stores back in the 1980s. It took longer than they predicted. Of interest, Rightardia noticed one Blockbuster store is still open in the immediate area, However, the store closest to the office abruptly closed about six months ago.

That's when we installed Netflix. Netflix also has the potential to undermine a lot of those pay per view (PPV) services the cable company provides like HBO and those special ESPN PPV channels. Unless these PPV channels drop the monthly tab, most will probably go under, too.

How Netflix is Destroying Blockbuster

Via: Online MBA Programs

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