
Friday, February 25, 2011

Glenn Beck apologizes for Reform Judaism slur

Glenn Beck apologizes for slur against Reform Judaism. Glenn Beck apologized for comparing Reform Judaism to "radicalized Islam."

Beck probably attacked this group because  many vote Democratic.

Well, at least he apologized.

According to Haaretz, The Jewish Funds for Justice responded to Beck's apology by saying it was "welcome but incomplete." This group also called on Rupert Murdoch to end Beck's tenure at Fox News.

“These comments are deeply offensive, completely absurd”, Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. “Reform Judaism is the largest segment of the U.S. Jewish community…

Last month, 400 rabbis, paid for a full page advertisement in the Wall Street Journal. The rabbis said Beck's comments on the Holocaust were inappropriate. 

The rabbis said that Beck made "literally hundreds of on-air references to the Holocaust and Nazis when characterizing people with whom he disagrees."

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