
Saturday, January 1, 2011

NASA wins special Darwin Award for new rightard pistol

Rightard Tea Baggers have been buying this "Saturday Night special " by the thousands to prepare for the upcoming revolution against the US federal government.

The weapon has been featured on Fox News, NewsMax and the Weekly Standard.

Righties have been buying this gun like hot cakes.

It sells for $19.99 and white supremacists, the Klan, the John Birch Society, and other neo-fascist groups consider it their weapon of choice to restore the Confederate States of America.

This pistol will make America a lot safer directly after rightards fire the first round in anger.

NASA had a splendid idea that really impressed the Darwin Award committee.
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Unknown said...

Youre an idiot. The internet deserves you.

Unknown said...

Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But name calling without justification suggests you aren't particularly bright.

Trump2020 said...

I would say the justification came from the above article and I reaffirm you are an idiot.