
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mediaite: Dana Milbank Suggests A Sarah Palin-Free Month

Dana Milbank | The Washington Post |

What a wonderful idea: a Palin free month! it is so unlikely that Sarah Palin, a bona fide fame whore, could last that long.

But wait, Todd Palin has been unfaithful and probably has been for a long time.

Perhaps Palin will disappear form the political scene for a month or so.

Better yet, why not forever?

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank is considering a self-imposed hiatus from all things:  Sarah Palin. 

What’s more, Milbank is calling on others in the media to resist covering every word, move, clothing purchase and accusations of blood libel made by Wasilla’s most famous export. As Milbank put it:

I feel powerless to control my obsession, even though it cheapens and demeans me.

But today is the first day of the rest of my life. And so, I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin – in print, online or on television – for one month.

Furthermore, I call on others in the news media to join me in this pledge of a Palin-free February. With enough support, I believe we may even be able to extend the moratorium beyond one month, but we are up against a powerful compulsion, and we must take this struggle day by day.

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