
Friday, December 10, 2010

Media matters: Fox News shills for the affluent

December 09, 2010 1:46 pm ET by David Shere

You know who they love on Fox News? Rich people. They love rich people like they hate progressives and liberals.

This fetishization of wealth that serves as Fox News' raison d'etre was on full display yesterday on America's Newsroom, one of Fox's "straight news" programs, as anchor Martha MacCallum interviewed Eric Bolling, Fox contributor and the host of Follow the Money on the Fox Business network.

MacCallum and Bolling spent the majority of this segment lamenting the unjust tax burden faced by the wealthy. the two mocked the possibility that helping people who actually, you know, need help, might be beneficial for the broader economy.

The video ignores the reality that all Americans pay taxes and that most Americans pay more in sales tax and municipal tax than they pay in income tax.
considering that the top 20 per cent of Americans haul in 50 per cent of the national income.

At least Fox News didn't try to frame the argument that the rich pay 59 per cent of all taxes because that is simply not true. In addition, the people who don't pay taxes are primarily people with low incomes who live in the Red States.

The Southland was founded on a  slave-based economy which may explain the anti-union sentiments there. It also means that southern workers are the most poorly paid in the nation. 

Most of the Red States are recipient states for federal tax revenues. That means federal dollars from the donor states on Left Coast and in North-east pour into the south because of the weak economy there. 

The Southland also has a robust underground economy that became apparent during the BP oil spill. Gulf coast fisherman were unable to produce 1040s and W2 because they haven't been paying taxes.

Rightardia thinks too many Americans have been conned by the GOP. The Blue States have been subsidizing the rich and the Red States for far too long. 

Obama had to compromise with Republicans because of bad Democratic politics and timing.

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