
Friday, December 24, 2010

McCain and Graham are angry DADT was repealed

Arizona Senator John McCain has denied a claim by the conservative group, Family Research Council (FRC), that he's working to undo repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.”

Before senators voted for repeal on Saturday, McCain, sensing defeat, said, “Today is a very sad day.”

John McCain is at odds, with his centrist daughter, Meghan, who is supportive of gays and lesbians. 

Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham who has been rumoured to be gay for years, may about to be outed. Is this payback for years of a rabid anti-gay voting record?

Apparently both McCain and Graham are angry that their version of DADT was not considered by the US Senate. Their version is called Are You, Do tell! (RU,DT!)

Under RU,DT! anyone enlisting could admit they were gay or lesbian and the statement would be sealed. If there were homosexual allegation later in the service person's career, they would would be protected as long as their name was on the 'gay and lesbian list."

Democrats said such a list would make gay and lesbians targets and that the list would affect career progression and assignments. Rachel Maddow called the RU,DT! idea a bad one.

She said the Republicans would use RU,DT! to blacklist gays and lesbians. Conservative evangelical commanders would want to peak at he list to see who was on "the home team."

Julian Assange says Wikilealks already has a copy of DOD's gay and lesbian blacklist. 


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