
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jullian Assange: On to Bank of America

Jualian Assange has files from a hard drive that was once used by a senior bank of America (BOA) executive.

This should be very interesting.

The Demcratic Underground found this information from a US embassy cable released by WikiLeaks that gives a peek at the banking crises:

The Bank of England governor, Mervyn King, was so concerned about the health of the world's banks in March 2008 that he plotted a secret bailout of the system using funds from cash-rich nations.

Six months before the world financial crisis reached its peak, forcing taxpayers to rescue collapsing financial institutions, King told US officials in London that the UK, US, Switzerland and Japan could jointly enable a multibillion-pound cash injection into global banks, overriding the "dysfunctional" G7 nations.

The leak may allow King to claim that he – rather than Gordon Brown – was one of the brains behind the bailout of the banks, which took place in October 2008.

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