
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gallup Poll: Obama Approval Slipping Among Liberals and progresives

Job Approval Rating for President Obama Among Liberal Democrats, Recent Gallup Weekly Averages

December 16, 2010

by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- Liberal Democrats approval of the job he is doing has fallen noticeably since the midterms.

For the first time, Obama' approval  dropped below 80% in the week after the announcement of the tax deal he brokered with congressional Republicans.

Few progressive blogs approved of the Obama tax compromise.  The tax cuts for the top two per of Americans will increase the deficit by nearly a trillion dollars in the next 10 years.

Obama should have left the Estate Tax off of the table. Bush suspended the Estate Tax which has been around since 1915. This tax is the one of the few safety valves that prevents the US from expanding the oligarchy of the affluent, a plutocracy.

Obama should have known better. it will take him along time to re-establish trust with many liberals and progressives. The president appears to be plodding and timid at times.

Rightardia recently read that the Senate is going to change the filibuster rules. Why didn't they do this right after the 2008 elections or after a couple of months of GOP stonewalling?

If they had, we would now have a public option and a health bill in two to three months instead of a year, a START treaty, and federal judges would be seated instead of the historic level of vacancies we have in the judiciary.

We agree with Obama's self assessment.  He has not been a successful president. We hope this changes.

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