
Thursday, October 21, 2010

WIN: Saving Social Security From The Privateers And Benefits Slashers- 10/21/10

Submitted by Doug Cunningham on October 20, 2010 - 4:16pm

With so many extremely close political races nationwide, an issue like Social Security could make the difference in who gets elected.

Democrats generally have supported Social Security and opposed cuts while Republicans have been historically antagonistic to what they call an entitlement program while supporting schemes to cut it and or privatize it.

For tens of millions of workers, Social Security is one of the few lifelines they can count on.

There’s a lot of misinformation about Social Security in the political air – but here’s the real bottom line according to experts – Social Security works, is not in danger of failing and only needs minor adjustments to pay the same or even greater benefits for another 75 years.

Despite that fact, though, efforts are continuing to cut benefits by raising the retirement age again beyond 67, or otherwise reducing benefits.

Max Richmond is Executive Vice President of the National Committee To Preserve Social Security and Medicare.

Thank God we didn't follow the advice of President Bush and blindly accept his efforts to privatize the program. If part of your social security had been tied up in the stock market, that security would have disappeared. I think at time like this, times of real uncertainty in housing, in employment, it's one of the few things you can count on. This is a system that is safe. The way it's invested does work.

Rightardia agrees. Social Security is essentially a forced savings plan that keeps Americans off welfare when they can no longer work. It is a collective solution that works. In the UK and Chile, both countries tried to privatize their versions of Social Security and both privatized programs failed.

Workers retiring when the economy was weak in the UK saw half of their retirement earnings lost. No private organization is large enough to administer a program like Social Security and provide the financial stability that the government does.

A real American should support our government and programs like Social Security that work for our seniors.

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