
Thursday, October 21, 2010

The real problem in the US is private enterprise, not the government

Let's call a spade: a spade. Did the government cause the Great Recession that started in 2006?

Not really.

Private enterprise asked for more creative ways to finance mortgages and the Bush government obliged them.  In 2004, the SEC let the five biggest Wall Street banks off the hook for mortgage reserves so the banks could sell more mortgages while maintaining a tiny reserve in the event some of the mortgages failed.

We also know that many of the robo-mortgages were processed fraudulently by banks who were giving workers cash and expensive gifts to quickly process the mortgages out of state. Many attorneys have defended homeowners in court and were able to get these foreclosures thrown out of court. This was because a fraudulent out of state notarization scheme was used.

Is the government entirely blameless--no?  But the lion's share of the blame for the Great Recession is with private enterprise. Did these corporations thinks they could endlessly offhsore their operations and worker's jobs without any consequence for this country?

Did these corporations think they could replace American workers in high technology with cheaper foreign workers on HI-B visas and there would be no impact? Did the board of directors thinks it is healthy to pay CEOs and other senior officers 300 times what he average workers pays?

When the US auto industry collapsed during the Bush administration, how was the government responsible? GM has paid the loan back but Chrysler has indicated it would be unable to follow suit. BTW this is the second time Chrysler has failed in my lifetime. Will the government bail Chrysler out the next time it goes tango-uniform? Rightardia hopes not.

We also read a recent survey that many Americans are upset that government workers are better off than they are.

Of course, Middle Class Warrior's first wife encouraged him to leave the Air Force because the grass was so much greener on the corporate side. Indeed, during a recession the government worker may be better off. That is certainly not the case when the economy is roaring.

Perhaps government works better when the government maintains some distance from the corporate sector likes the Democrats do whereas the GOP is more like  corporate lap dog.

Time to man up, America. The government is not going to fix the Great Recession. Corporate America will have to undo the mess it has made. It can start by hiring workers rather than buying back stock to increase corporate stock options in the executive offices.

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