
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ScienceDirect: Life has been evolving on Earth for nearly 3.5 billion years

Microbial activity in volcanic glass within the oceanic crust can produce micron sized pits and tunnels. Such biogenic textures have been described from the recent oceanic crust and mineralized equivalents in pillow lavas as old as 3.47–3.45 Ga from the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) of South Africa.

In meta-volcanic glasses these microbial traces are preserved by titanite mineralization (CaTiSiO5) and on the basis of morphological, textural and geochemical evidence. Scientists beleive this may represent Earth's oldest trace fossils.

In a a related story, BBC reports that the first land plants appeared about 472 million years ago in what is now Argentina.

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