
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bristol, it's OK to be sexy

Rightardia suspects that Sarah Palin is providing a dress code to Bristol Palin. Last week she looked like she was wearing a burka and this week she was wearing a smock to cover her top. Birstol also made a comment that she she expects herself to be an example for single mothers.

In May 2009, Palin worked with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and the Candie's Foundation to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy. During her appearance on Good Morning America, she stated, "Regardless of what I did personally, abstinence is the only 100% foolproof way you can prevent pregnancy."

Before Palin became an abstinence spokeswoman, she told Fox News that abstinence is "not realistic at all." Several weeks later, she would state that her words were "taken out of context".

Her role as a spokesperson has been controversial. Bonnie Fuller, former editor in chief of YM, has questioned whether the net effect of Palin's presentations has been to glamorize or discourage teen pregnancy . . .

On an episode of The Colbert Report, Meghan McCain stated her support for sex education and criticized Palin's sexual abstinence campaign, saying it was "not realistic for this generation".

Palin now works with the speakers' circuit and will ask between $15,000 and $30,000 for each appearance. She has signed with Single Source Speakers. She is listed on the speaking group's website as available for conferences, fundraisers, special events and holidays . . .

It is possible some of the organizations that sponsor her want her to portray a more conservative appearance on "Dancing with the Stars.

Len Goodman gave Palin some good advice last night. She needs to let loose.Frankly, we doubt if Bristol will last on the show more than another two or three weeks.

We would expect Jennifer Grey and Derrick Hough to finish first and  Audrina Partidge and Tony Develoni to finish second.

source: Wikipedia

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