
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Newsmax: Palin Warns of ‘Armageddon,' 'Third World War'

Sarah Palin said Americans elected Barack Obama as president, they expected the economy and jobs to be his top priority.

Rightardia agrees with Palin on this point. Obama should have abandoned bi-partisanship and got a budget reconciliation though on health care in three months. Too much time was wasted on health care, although this arguably some of the most important legislation in US history.

Palin talks about being mocked for her warnings about “death panels.

She would have been smarter to talk about something else than her failed effort to play this "fear card."

She predicts that President Obama will continue favoring big-government solutions, and she describes him as "quite naïve" and "stubborn."

It was the Bush "free enterprise solutions' that brought the US to the brink of disaster. We had tax cuts for the affluent for eighth years and it didn't do diddly for the economy.

Palins is advocating corporatist solutions for the economy that will undoubtedly fail and produce an even bigger deficit.

The distribution of income and wealth is worse than it was prior tho the Great Depression. Any governmental polices that provide more income to the aflleunt will wekane a middle calls that is already on it knees.

The nation "will be slammed with the highest tax increase in our history" unless the tax cuts are extended, she says.

Actually the Obma tax cuts that were passed early in the Obama presidency will offset the taxes on the middle class. The top two tax brackets will primarily be affected when the Bush tax cuts are rescinded. According to the CBO, the Bush tax cuts  for "the have mores" caused 48 per cent of the deficit.

Palin wants to "call out" Obama for his conduct of military operations in the Middle East: "I want to say, 'You're going to send our troops there in the danger zone, you better have a darn good reason why they're going, and you better be committed to victory.'"

Wow.! The life cycle cost of the Iraq War will exceed $ one trillion and her suggestion the US should invade Iran sounds very neo-conservative. War planners know because of the Iranian terrain, it would be a tough country to invade. More important, why are we Iran attacking Iran at all? 

This sound reminiscent of the phony arguments the Bush administration advanced on Iraqi WMDs.

Palin says, adding that Americans "will not put up with any hint of Shariah law being any sort of law of the land."

Palin, however,would be happy if he US adopted  The Way" which is the Christian version Of Shariah. It has been an objective of conservative to restore America as "a Christian nation."Most US historians would argue that the US was fonded as a secular nation.

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dmpeters said...


Unknown said...

No you can't. Most of these right wingers want war. Many Christians await Armageddon because it would fulfill Christian prophesy. They will be waiting along time.