
Friday, October 15, 2010

Carly Fiorina, another corporate job killer CEO

When will Americans wake up. Corporate CEOs care about productivity, not employment.

Carly Fiorina often touts her business experience while she was the CEO of Hewlett-Packard but leaves out a very important part of her track-record.

During Fiorina's tenure, she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped their jobs overseas to India and China. All you have to do is listen to the voices of former Hewlett-Packard employees to get to know the real Carly:

"After 21 years and 18 months shy of retirement, I was laid off…I lost about 50% of my retirement nest egg by believing what she was saying." - Mike Angles, Laid-off Manager - Hewlett Packard.

"The layoff was very hard. We've gone from two cars in the driveway and all things you would need...and now we are trying to remodify our loan…a matter of fact, now we're on food stamps." - Susan Walsh, Laid-off Executive Assistant - Hewlett Packard

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