
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mediaite: The incredible, disappearing Andrew Breitbart

Mediaite: The incredible, disappearing Andrew Breitbart
by Steve Krakauer | 2:45 pm, September 3rd, 2010

The day after the Shirley Sherrod story broke 45 days ago, Andrew Breitbart was on every cable news network (and many other outlets) talking about the edited out-of-context video and subsequent overreaction from the government.

But since that day, Breitbart, a media presence on the rise, has been absent from cable news. Did the Sherrod story damage his personal brand?

Fox News and MSNBC did not respond to requests for comment about the story, and CNN tells us there is “no directive” not to book Breitbart. He was only rarely seen  on CNN and MSNBC before the story broke.

And while he wasn’t a regular Fox News guest, he did appear on the network three times in July before the Sherrod story broke . . .,

Mediaite  reached out to Breitbart as well to see if his cable news silence was self-imposed, but he did not respond to requests for comment.

Conservative media mogul Andrew Breitbart has always wanted to take down the "liberal media establishment."

It looks like the liberal media establishment took Breitbart down when he libeled and defamed Shirely Sherrod.

Well, turnabout is fair play, isn't it? 

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