
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Searching for Rep. Boehner in Tanning Salons and on Golf Courses

West Chester, Ohio—An exhaustive search of tanning salons and golf courses in Ohio’s 8th Congressional District in pursuit of Representative John Boehner (R-Ohio) is underway, led by Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.

The search is the beginning of a campaign to press Rep. Boehner to sit down with constituents in August to discuss the Fair Elections Now Act, instead of spending his time raising money all over the country from wealthy donors in his bid to become the next Speaker of the House.

It has been seven days since the constituents made a request to meet with him. “After hearing that Rep. John Boehner pledged VIP access to lobbyists and wealthy donors able to bundle $100,000 though his ‘cash-for-speaker program’, the Founding Fathers went to find Boehner in his Ohio district,” said David Donnelly, campaign manager of the Campaign for Fair Elections, which is coordinating the search.

George Washington, Ben Franklin, and the Campaign for Fair Elections visited Rep. Boehner’s district last week to talk with constituents. Rep. Boehner, who is reported to be raising money for 30 candidates in 17 states over the August recess, was no where to be found.

They visited golf courses, a shopping center, a cornfield, and even stopped by his district office in West Chester. At the district office, constituents requested a meeting with their congressman.

Franklin and Washington talked with his constituents about the Fair Elections Now Act (H.R. 1826), legislation that would allow candidates for Congress to run competitive campaigns for office on a blend of Fair Elections funds and a match on small home state donations.

Sponsored by Reps. John Larson (D-Conn.), Walter Jones (R-N.C.), and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the legislation has the broad, bipartisan, and cross-caucus support of 160 U.S. House members and 24 U.S. Senators.

Videos of the Founding Fathers’ trip to Ohio’s Eighth Congressional District, and their earlier trips to Washington, D.C. and New York City, are available online at

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