
Monday, August 16, 2010

Rush: Obama is the first anti-American President

Limbaugh suggests that we should build a Hindu Temple next to Pearl Harbor and a Mosque next to the Pentagon. Of course,  Shinto, not Hinduism, is the most common religion in Japan.

There is already a Mosque inside the Pentagon and a Shinto temple next to Pearl Harbor.

Rightardia never ceases to be amazed by Rush's ignorance!

source:  Matt Cherette

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jk2001 said...

There were probably Buddhist temples or churches near Pearl Harbor when it was bombed. There were a lot of people of Japanese ancestry, 2nd and 3rd generation, in Hawaii at the time.

Unknown said...

I'm sure there were both Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Of course, most Asian religions are atheistic. They worship nature or dead relatives. Buddha was never concerned about the going on in the heavens.

Limbaugh's quote indicates he thinks the Japaneses are Buddhists. Most are not.