
Friday, July 16, 2010

Sen. David Vitter should apologize to Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow is certainly one of the most progressive voices on radio and TV, but she is also a gentle soul. She  rarely raises her voice to conservative guests and goes out of her way to be even handed.

She is probably one of the brightest political commentators on TV. Conservatives frequently appear on her show because she treats them with respect.

Comments like those that follow about her are mean-spirited and unnecessary.  David Vitter should know better after recently declaring he is a birther.

Rachel Maddow is authentic and one of a kind. She deserves better than the dialogue that follows.

David Vitter in a moment of what passes for jocularity in the Vitterverse, on Rush Radio 99.5 in New Orleans. 

MALE HOST: I wonder if Senator Vitter is ever going to post, like, maybe the video of the first time he was on the floor of the Senate. If I have to show the way I looked the first time I was on TV, you should do that too.

VITTER: We should go further back than that, how about high school yearbook?
MALE HOST: Oh yeah.

VITTER: De La Salle marching band.

MALE HOST: That'd be cool. Well you know, with Rachel Maddow they had that picture of her...

FEMALE HOST: Looking like a woman?

Story continues below
MALE HOST: Yeah it was really bizarre.
VITTER: [LAUGHS]: Must have been a long time ago.



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