
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Michelle Bachmanns' favorite preacher is an anti-Semite

The title of Bradlee Dean's latest blog post is "What Happened to Those Who Crucified Christ" in which he lists punishments meted out to people Bradlee Dean considers responsible:

The Jews, who heard and rejected Christ, were destroyed by Titus, and Vespasian his father, in 70 AD, about 40 years after the passion of the Christ, to the number of eleven hundred thousand, beside those who Vespasian slew in the subduing of Galilee. 
Seventeen thousand were sold and sent into Egypt and other provinces to vile slavery; and two thousand were brought with Titus in his triumph; of whom, part he gave to be devoured of the wild beasts, part otherwise most cruelly were Michele Bachmann pretends to be a friend of Jews. 
Does Michele Bachmann agree with Bradlee Dean that Jews are burdened with a collective responsibility for something that happened thousands of years ago?

When will reporters ask Michele Bachmann about her close relationship to Bradlee Dean and his ministry of hate?

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