
Sunday, July 18, 2010

WP: Final report on Iraqi WMDs

By Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Iraqi Survey Group has released its final report on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and they have concluded the following:

* There is no evidence any weapons of mass destruction were moved to Syria for safekeeping before the invasion of Iraq

* There is no evidence that Saddam Hussein tried to restart his weapons program after Gulf War I

* No stockpiles of WMD have been found in Iraq

U.S. investigators hunting for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq have found no evidence that such material was moved to Syria for safekeeping before the war, according to a final report of the investigation released yesterday.

Although Syria helped Iraq evade U.N.-imposed sanctions by shipping military and other products across its borders, the investigators "found no senior policy, program, or intelligence officials who admitted any direct knowledge of such movement of WMD."

Because of the insular nature of Saddam Hussein's government, however, the investigators were "unable to rule out unofficial movement of limited WMD-related materials."

The Iraq Survey Group's main findings -- that Hussein's Iraq did not possess chemical and biological weapons and had only aspirations for a nuclear program -- were made public in October in an interim report covering nearly 1,000 pages.

Yesterday's final report, published on the Government Printing Office's Web site ( ), incorporated those pages with minor editing and included 92 pages of addenda that tied up loose ends on Syria and other topics.

Rightrdia believes the Iraq War was not an intelligence failure, it was an intelligence conspiracy that was cooked up by neo-conservatives with the help of senior intelligence officer political appointees and high ranking military officers.

Retired Air Force General James Clapper has been nominated to replace Dennis Blair as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Clapper was part and parcel of the Bush administration's cooking of intelligence to "prove" Saddam Hussein's Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), according to senior U.S. intelligence officers. See

Bush thought he could frame his presidency around the Iraq War and believed his father was not reelected because he didn't take Baghdad. Next month US forces will be finally withdrawn from Iraq ending a sorry chapter in US history. 

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