
Thursday, April 8, 2010

We got plenty of warning about about Gov. Bob McDonnell during the recent gubernatorial race in Virgina. His college thesis was riddled with value judgements.

In his thesis, McDonnell wrote "government policy should favor married couples over 'cohabitators, homosexuals or fornicators.'" McDonnell also "described working women and feminists as 'detrimental' to the family."

McDonnell also "criticized a landmark 1965 Supreme Court decision" which legalized the use of contraceptives and wrote that "man’s basic nature is inclined towards evil, and when the exercise of liberty takes the shape of pornography, drug abuse, or homosexuality, the government must restrain, punish, and deter."

In McDonnell's zeal to celebrate the Confederacy, her forgot to mention one institution: slavery. Is Gov. McDonnell a 'new Dixiecrat?'

Source: Wikipedia

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