
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Repainting military equipment for Victory Day Parade

All equipment is being repainted inside special mobile tents or hangars. First, each vehicle is carefully cleaned, and stripped of old paint with a special solution.

Chalk is subsequently used to draw new camouflage lines on the surface. Each S-400 Triumf (SA-21 Growler) surface-to-air missile (SAM) system requires 40 liters of green paint, 30 liters of yellow paint and 20 liters of black paint. This is more than is used on any other piece of military equipment.

More than 50% of military equipment has already been repainted. In all, 159 vehicles will take part in the May 9 Victory Day Parade on Moscow’s Red Square. Victory Day celebrates the defeat of the Nazis by the Soviets and their allies.

Western observers will be in Red square to see and photograph the latest militarily equipment in the Russian arsenal.

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