
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

US is not rolling over for the dictator of Afghanistan

Too often the US has backed dictators during foreign insurrections particularly when Republican presidents are in power.

Anastasio Somozoa of Nicaragua is a good example. He was West Point trained and one of the worst dictators in the Americas. When an earthquake hit Managua, the US rushed in supplies that President Somozoa promptly sold to the earthquake survivors.

The CIA also orchestrated a coup in Chile that ousted a democratically elected president, Salvador Allende. He was replaced with Augusto Pinochet, a military dictator.

Now we have to work with another dictator, Hamid Karzai, of Afghanistan. His recent election was clearly rigged, but unlike the GOP, the Democrats aren't rolling over.

Karzai has ties to the so-called Northern Alliance of George W. Bush.  Many of the war lords in the Northern Alliance were the poppy growers that the Taliban put out of business.

At one time when the US had intervened in Afghanistan to oust the Soviets, the Taliban was called the Mujahadeen. Until the US invaded Afghanistan, we were paying the Taliban $50 million per year to effectively control the poppy production. Now the Taliban is using a bumper poppy crop to finance the Afghan  War.

The US is considering a request by General Stanley McChrystal, the top US and NATO ground commander, to commit an extra 40,000 troops to Afghanistan.

But Rahm Emanuel, the chief of staff to the US president, has suggested that the US may not commit more troops to Afghanistan until a "credible and legitimate" government is in place.

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