
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cybersecurity Awareness


Posted by John Brennan

To help raise awareness among all Americans, the President has designated October as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Last week, I wrote about some of the specific threats we face every time we use a computer.

However, we are not helpless against these threats. In a video released last week, President Obama identified some basic things that all computer users can do to improve their cybersecurity and better protect themselves online. In this post, I would like to expand further on these tips that computer users can adopt to improve their "cyber hygiene."

See President Obama's cybersecurity video:

Keep your security software and operating system up-to-date. At a minimum, your computer should have current anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a firewall to protect yourself from hackers and malicious software that can steal sensitive personal information.

For Windows users, Rightardia recommends the free Comodo firewall.  We use AVG Internet Security anti-virus which provides a firewall, ID protection, anti-virus, malware and Trojan protection as well as many other features.

We consider the Firefox browser to be more secure than Internet Explorer.If you have more than one PC, consider purchasing a family pack that allows the AV product to be installed multiple times. You can usually find some AV bargains on Ebay, but make sure you are bidding on a boxed disk set rather than a registration code that hackers will try to sell you. 

If a reader wants low cost security, the Linux operating system is far more resistant to viruses, Trojans and hacking than Windows. It has an assortment of free firewalls and free anti-virus products such as ClamAV.

Hackers also take advantage of Web browsers and operating system software that do not have the latest security updates. Operating system companies issue security patches for flaws that they find in their systems, so it is important to set your operating system and web browser software to download and install security patches automatically. Look for the yellow shield in the system tray for a warning that updates need to be installed:

Protect your personal information online. Millions of people have become victims of identity theft each year. One way that cyber criminals convince computer users to divulge their confidential personal information is through fake "phishing" emails, which are often cleverly disguised to look like authentic emails. Most browsers contains anti-phish technology. You can also download the Netcraft toolbar to perform this function or use Web of Trust which provides warnings about suspicious hyperlinks.

Be wary of clicking on links in emails that are unfamiliar and be very cautious about providing personal information online, such as your password, financial information, or social security number.

Know who you are dealing with. It is remarkably simple for online scammers to impersonate a legitimate business, so you need to know who you are dealing with.

If you are thinking about shopping on an unfamiliar website, do some independent research before you buy. Similarly, before you download software, be sure that the software developer is trustworthy. Cyber criminals will often embed the capability to steal passwords and files into free software using Trojans.

Learn what to do if something goes wrong. If your computer gets hacked, the effects may be obvious (e.g., deleted or corrupted files), or they may be subtle (e.g., slow computing performance).

As a first step, you should scan your computer with updated anti-virus software. You may wish to get professional assistance through your computer’s manufacturer, computer retail store, or local computer technician.

You can also alert the appropriate authorities by contacting your Internet Service Provider or the Internet Crime Complaint Center. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can assist if you are subject to identity theft. You can also forward spam or phishing emails to the FTC at

To learn more about cybersecurity tips please visit and

John Brennan is Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.

source: White House blog

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