
Monday, October 19, 2009

Politics Daily: In New Jersey, It Was Christie's Race to Lose -- and He May Have Lost It


The Donald, Ivanka Trump and Gov. Jon Corzine

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. – Jon Corzine – the bearded, gray-haired, former Wall Street titan is running for his second term as New Jersey's Democratic governor. Sunday morning as Corzine looked out at room filled with nearly a thousand Latino women, he discovered his inner Bill Clinton.

"I've never seen so many good-looking women in one spot in my life," he gushed. "You are beautiful on a Sunday morning."

The energize-the-Democratic-base breakfast, which featured Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis ("Jon Corzine, he's the greatest," she burbled), was the kickoff of a week in which the White House will lavish more affection on Corzine than on wavering senators in the health-care fight.

On Monday Joe Biden will appear with Corzine at a noontime rally in Edison and Barack Obama will swoop in to embrace the governor Wednesday afternoon in Hackensack.
With billboards and posters featuring the president and the slogan "Keep It Going," Corzine has been emphazing the Obama connection in a state which the Democrats carried by 600,000 votes last year.
Corzine warned on Sunday morning that "the Rush Limbaughs" would exploit his defeat "as a platform to tear down the president." The message for Latinos here in the Democratic stronghold of Hudson County: "Our president needs our help."

When it comes to deploying Air Force One and turning on the White House political machine on behalf of candidates like Corzine, incumbent presidents behave exactly like bankers who only lend their umbrellas when the sun is shining.

With Democrat Creigh Deeds falling increasingly behind in the open-seat Virginia governor's race, Corzine has become the Obama team's best hope for post-election bragging rights. 
Rightardia predicts that Gov. Corzine will win. Intrade has been predicting this for more than a month.

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