
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Billionaires 4 WealthCare visit the Tea Party Express Kick-off in San Diego!

This is quite funny. At first the Tea Partiers didn't realize they were being satirised. Then things started to turn ugly. Billionaires for Wealthcare joined the kickoff for the Tea Party Express II in San Diego.

The group, which consisted of individuals made incredibly rich on US health care industry profits, made dozens of new friends among the throngs of tea party attendees and even earned a shout-out from one of the event’s organizers.

The Daily Kos had another report on the action which was written in La Gitane's diary. 

We mingled; there were surprisingly many nice folks, who enjoyed our performance and were laughing along with us and taking pictures. However, there were MANY more vitriolic tea baggers, some of whom were violent and, of course, racist. 

We were interviewed by the SD Union Tribune, and Channel 8. Three of our Billionaires, including The Commodore, sang a song that the Commodore wrote. Channel 8 filmed the whole song! I'm telling you, we got great exposure! 
We also had three videographers, and I will be posting pics, footage and the lyrics to the Commodore's song as soon as it's available. 

A pattern I'm seeing is that in the beginning, the Repubs don't really understand and don't know what to think. But, as they catch on, they become more violent, and really in your face. 

By the time our limo came to pick us up and Todd, our faithful driver, laid out the red carpet once again, things were getting pretty bad. Many people wanted to know who is behind all of this??? Who's paying us?? 

One very "bright" woman was angry because the Tea Baggers "barely had the money to put this together" while we are funded by someone (Soros?) and she DEMANDED to know who!! 

She screamed that we were "fucking hypocrites". And I mean SCREAMED. Their grass-roots effort is pretty impressive - although they "barely had the money to put this together", they managed to have two buses fully wrapped in Tea Party regalia and plenty of vehicles, all marked with Tea Party Express signage. 

Cops were pretty thin, surprisingly, since any lefty rally I've ever been to seems to bring them all out in full riot gear. I guess the tea baggers aren't a threat to public safety...? Anyhoo, much thanks to all the San Diego Billionaires for making such a beautiful performance. It really is a fun bunch! 


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