
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Microsoft Blacklists Leaked Windows 7 OEM Key

July 31, 2009
Jason Mick/DailyTech

DailyTech is a leading online magazine for a well-educated, tech audience. Its readers enjoy hard-hitting and up to the minute CE, PC, IT and information technology news.

When it comes to Windows 7, Microsoft wants to make sure users buy a legitimate copy. It offered large discounts during its now-finished U.S. pre-order program. Microsoft has been actively discouraging piracy of its new OS.

Earlier this week, an OEM master key from Lenovo was compromised. According to Alex Kochis, Director of Genuine Windows at Microsoft, Microsoft moved fast to stop piracy of its new product.

It has blacklisted the key, delivering a new key to Lenovo. It is working with Lenovo to ensure all Windows 7 PCs that it ships use the new key and none use the old key.

All Windows 7 installs using the leaked key will be blacklisted and customers will be warned that they have a non-genuine version of Windows when trying to perform typical OS operations and maintenance.

See the rest of the story at

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