
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

GOP has returned to a "White Voter Strategy"

The Republican party is so dominated  by ideologues, it is unlikely to produce gains among non-white minorities, especially Hispanics.

The GOP is finding it has no alternative but to revert to the old Dixiecrat  "white voter" strategy.
To some extent, it's working. The party's opposition to President Obama's agenda such as his cap-and-trade energy proposal and health care reform plan is picking up some disaffected white Democratic and independent voters.

Republican grievances about Obama, combined with race-baiting commentary from the far-right ideologues has become commonplace. Rightardia published another racist incident last night in which the Pinellas County Republican Party in Florida put Obama in a Keith Ledger 'Joker' white face.

It's all very reminiscent of the party's notorious Southern Strategy, which carried the GOP for decades. But that strategy backfired spectacularly in the 2006 and 2008 elections, and there's no reason to think it will work any better in 2010 -- especially given the ever-growing importance of the minority electorate.

In fact, the Gallup Poll noticed that most of the die hard Republicans don't even live in the Soth any more. The hotbed of conservationism is four small western states with small populations: Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Alaska.

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