
Friday, August 7, 2009

Limbaugh goes off the deep end again

Rush: They accuse of us being Nazis, and Obama's got a health care logo that's right out of Adolf Hitler's play-book.

The Obama logo is hardly similar to the swastika. The medical wings and staff of Hermes or caduceus has been around since the time of the ancient Greeks.

Rush: Now, what are the similarities between the Democrat Party of today and the Nazi Party in Germany? Well, the Nazis were against big business -- they hated big business. 

This is pure Limbaugh bull shit. Big business was behind the Nazis. Siemens and Krups were two of the biggest corporations that supported Hitler. Meanwhile, the Nazis outlawed trade unions and banned strikes. Trade unions were abolished, as well as collective bargaining and the right to strike. C'mon, Rush, the right is anti-union is this country, too.

Big business developed an increasingly close partnership with the Nazi government. The government pursued policies that maximized the profits of its business allies, and, in exchange, business leaders supported the government's political and military goals.

Mussolini wrote the down the principals of fascism which are referred to as syndicalism. In syndicalism, unions exist independent of the state rather than needing the state's micromanagement and central planning.

As with businesses in capitalism, labor unions in syndicalism would likely share a complicated relationship of co-operation and opposition with the state and private enterprise. Mussolini's fascism was based on a corporate organization.

Rush: And of course we all know that they were opposed to Jewish capitalism.

The German Jews became the bogeymen of the Nazis. They Nazis not against capitalism, They were opposed to the economic successes of German Jews.

Rush: They were insanely, irrationally against pollution. 

Huh! What in the world in Rush talking about here?

Rush: They were for two years mandatory voluntary service to Germany. They had a whole bunch of make-work projects to keep people working, one of which was the Autobahn.

Yes, Herbert Hoover, a Republican, stated similar work projects in the US when the Great Depression started. The Hoover Dam was one of these projects.

Rush: They were against cruelty and vivisection of animals, but in the radical sense of devaluing human life, they banned smoking. 

Hitler was the most adamant,characterizing tobacco as "the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man for having been given hard liquor." At one point the Fuhrer even suggested that Nazism might never have triumphed in Germany had he not given up smoking.

German smoking rates rose dramatically in the first six years of Nazi rule, suggesting that the propaganda campaign launched during those early years was largely ineffective. German smoking rates rose faster even than those of France, which had a much weaker anti-tobacco campaign.

Of interest, 50 per cent of people who smoke in the US die from complications from it.

Rush: They were totally against that. They were for abortion and euthanasia of the undesirables, as we all know, and they were for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare.

The Germans did, in fact, want to eliminate the handicapped and children with low intelligence form their Master Race. At the same time they wanted more German children and paid women including unwed ones, to produce more German children. Overall, the Nazis were Pro Life as long as you were a German. The Germans. Of course, the Nazis slaughtered million of Jews, Gypsies and Slavs.

Regarding the cradle to grave health care, the US and South Africa are the only industrial nations of the world who have private health care systems. Public health care is the norm for the industrial nations of the world.

Rush: This is why I have always bristled when I hear people claim conservatism gets close to Nazism. It is liberalism that's the closest you can get to Nazism and socialism. It's all bundled up under the socialist banner. There are far more similarities between Nancy Pelosi and Adolf Hitler than between these people showing up at town halls to protest a Hitler-like policy that's being heralded like a Hitler-like logo.

World War 2 could be described as a struggle between the left and the right. When the dust cleared, right wing fascism was defeated by the Allied forces. The big wars in Europe were fought between the Russians communists and German Nazis. This was a classic left -right war. It is not a coincidence that many Republicans were openly supportive of Germany prior to the war and operated businesses in Germany.

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that worked with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s.

There is evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.

The National Socialists or Nazis were not socialists. In fact, the socialist wing of the Nazis, the SA,  was purged from the party during the Night of the Long Knives. The term National Socialist is an oxymoron because socialism is an international movement. The Nazis were closer to fascism with the emphasis of the German Master race, the outlawing of unions, the militarism and backing of large German corporations.

Rush Limbaugh is a spokesperson for  American corporations who fund the Republican Party. He is a fascist demagogue. Perhaps his lack of education has caused him to be confused about the right wing nature of the Nazis. Perhaps , this is intentional right wing disinformation.

The Democratic Party is now calling on the top Republican Jewish lawmaker to repudiate Limbaugh's remarks.

"Rush Limbaugh's comparison of the Democratic Party to the Nazi Party in World War II is as disgusting as it is shocking," said a statement Thursday from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "Limbaugh's use of the Nazi swastika in attempting to make a tasteless political comparison has no place in the public discourse. 

Limbaugh should apologize to Nancy Pelosi for comparing her to Adolf Hitler. it could be argued that the right wingers showing up at the town hall meetings are really acting like Nazi Storm Troopers. Pelosi is just doing her job as leader of the majority party in the House.

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