
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Republicans demonized Nancy Pelosi about CIA coordination

It is clear the the "President's Surveillance Program" went well beyond what the CIA was telling the House Intelligence Committee and Nancy Pelosi according to a recent Inspector General Report. CIA Director Leon Panetta just found out about another covert program that he terminated. Dick Cheney had ordered the CIA to withhold the program's details for the US Congress. Cheney's order  violated federal law.

Seymour Hirsch has written about the Dick Cheney Executive Assassination Ring. This may be the program that Panetta terminated. 

The US had similar operations going in during the Vietnam War. We trained snipers to kill Vietnamese we were suspected of collaborating with North Vietnam and even killed some of our own US troops.

Dick Cheney should be investigated and sent to prison if he violated US law. Executive privilege does not protect criminal activity.

"We were kept in the dark. That's something that should never, ever happen again," said Seantor Diane Feinstein.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said the new assertion "looks to me suspiciously like an attempt to provide political cover" to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats. Pelosi has accused the CIA of lying to her about waterboarding in 2002.

"This continued attack on the CIA and our intelligence gathering organizations is undermining the morale and capacity of those organizations to gather intelligence," said Republican Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.

Republicans continue to miss the point. These programs are illegal. We have seen GOP lawlessness during the Nixon administration with Watergate, numerous illegalities during the Reagan Era such as Iran Contra, the overthrow of the Chilean government and Republican rambo activities in Nicaragua and other Latin American countries. Until the Democrats have the institutional fortitude to prosecute these conservative criminals, this hooliganism will continue.

Bastards like Darth Cheney need to be prosecuted. 

Here is a video of Joe Scarborough apologizing for leading the conservative charge against Nancy Pelosi. Joe Scarborough is a bully who loves to beat up on women such as his co-host, Mika Brzezinski.

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