
Sunday, July 12, 2009

American corn baron adivocated male circumcision and calopuncture of females

Source: Pravda.Ru

American corn baron John Harvey Kellogg (the maker of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes) decided to fight masturbation in the end of the 19th century. As an influential politician, Kellogg unleashed the “counter-masturbation hysteria” in the society.

At that time medical doctors tempted by Kellogg’s ideas wrote that “exhaustion of the body, heart diseases and heart failure may be the results of self-satisfaction”.

Protecting boys against the awful consequences could be possible through surgery, Kellogg believed – by meant of circumcision. Positive results could be achieved only if foreskin and the mucous membrane of the penis were removed, the doctor wrote. “After the wounds are healed, the skin will sit tight on the penis either limiting or eradicating masturbation,” he said.

As Kellogg affirmed, “circumcision in infancy is the remedy which almost always helps”. The operation, he added, should be done without anesthesia so that pain that follows should get its impact on psyche. It should be somehow connected to the idea of punishment. “Perverse forms of sexual delight in women could be treated through the calopuncture of clitoris with carbolic acid,” he wrote.

Kellogg’s paradoxical ideas of were accepted by American doctors at surprising tempo. More so, circumcision in infantry became popular in other English-speaking countries. Whereas Europe gave up the practice early, it is still popular in America . This time the fighting is not against masturbation but against diseases: for more than a century doctors reinforce the information on the usefulness of circumcision providing more scientific evidence and Americans wouldn’t stop paying for the “essential procedure."

Circumcision is an ancient ritual that came to many cultures from Ancient Egypt. Children from Islamic and Jewish families are still exposed to the procedure. The procedure is normally performed with the use of anesthesia, of course.

Talking about the necessity of the ritual is churlish. Nonetheless, Australian doctors decided to deal with the issue.

By the end of the 1970s, there were two medical lobbies formed in the USA and Europe . The first one of them said that circumcision was a perfect prophylaxis against infections and cancer; The other stressed the complications that could follow the procedure.

From the medical point of view the benefit of circumcision is that it does not leave a “pocket” on the penis, which may accumulate various viruses and bacteria. This not only diminishes the frequency of primogenital infections but also reduces the risk of cervical cancer in women who mell with circumcised men. The transition of the human papilloma virus, which may trigger cancer, diminishes substantially in such cases. The circumcision in men saves them from the genital cancer.


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