
Monday, April 30, 2012

WIN: Courts kick Gov. Rick's keister on more time

Rick Scott - Caricature

The drug testing governor loses again

Judge Ursula Ungaro ruled the drug testing to be “unreasonable” search and in violation of the Fourth

She wrote that the order “does not identify a concrete danger that must be
addressed by suspicion-less drug-testing of state employees, and the governor shows
no evidence of a drug use problem at the covered agencies.”

Drug testing is a popular activity for Scott, who previously pushed through a law that required drug testing for welfare recipients.

The law forced applicants to cover the cost of drug tests. If those tests came back negative they’d be reimbursed by the state.

After four months the law was blocked by a federal court and ruled unconstitutional.

According to a New York Times study only 2.6 percent of applicants tested positive for drug use much lower than the overall Floridian average of 8.13 percent.

Scott had pushed that law on the pretext that welfare recipients use drugs at a higher rate than Floridians on average. There was no research that Rightardia ever saw that the state provided that suggested welfare recipients had a drug abuse a problem.

Gov. Rick's pretext was the class warfare assumption of an oligarch.

In those four months the program cost the state more than $45,000. That cost doesn't include administrative
costs or legal fees due to court challenges.

In 2003 Michigan had passed a law similar to Florida’s suspicion-less drug testing law
which was also struck down as unconstitutional.

Even in light of those rulings more than 20 states have attempted to advance or pass similar legislation over the last year. Most of the drug testing bills are nearly identical to “draft legislation” published by the American Legislative Exchange Council.

art: DonkeyHotey Anyone can see this photo Attribution Some rights reserved
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