
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conservatives tried to steal the recent Canadian election

This weekend as the ruling Conservative Government is under investigation for using robocalling machines pretending to be Elections Canada telling people that their polling station had changed location.

More than 100,000 people have received these calls. When the voters showed up to vote they were turned away because they came to the wrong station. In some places the polling station did not exist.

The RCMP and Elections Canada are investigating. If it had happened at a few polling stations in one province, it could be pinned on an individual or two. but this voter fraud  showed up across the country, especially in areas where the polls showed a tight race.  

The robocalling appears to be a political conspiracy that Karl Rove would appreciate.

The election fraud could cause the recent election to be nullified and criminal charges brought forth.

The Canadian Headlines Examiner on said:

Reports are coming in from key swing ridings in Ontario and other other provinces that voters are being called at home with false information that their voting locations have changed, and in some instances sending voters an hour in the wrong direction" in regards to the voter tampering reports.


graphic source: Gawker
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