
Friday, January 6, 2012

When did Ronald Reagan have signs of Alzheimer's?

President Ronald Reagan probably has Alzheimer's his first term

According to Ron Reagan, President Ronald Reagan was showing signs of Alzheimer's three years into his first term. Reagan was inaugurated in 1981. Ron Reagan was the president's younger son.

Michael Reagan, the conservatives older brother, said:

Ron, my brother was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he became an embarrassment to his mother.

Michael Reagan went on to say:

Yeah, he might have had Alzheimer's or he had Alzheimer's during that time,' just gives credence to people like Bill Maher and others. It absolutely offends me that somebody would say that when there's no evidence anywhere on the planet to back it up. 

Michael Reagan did not deny that Reagan has Alzheimer's in 1983-84 if you read his comments carefully.

In fact. Michael Reagan has said a very curious thing about his father.  At his high school graduation, Ronald Reagan introduced himself to his son by saying,

My name is Ronald Reagan. What's yours? 

Micheal Reagan said:  "

I'm your son, Mike.

Ronald Reagan.said: 

Oh, I didn't recognize you.

The Reykjavík Summit was a meeting between U.S. president Ronald Reagan and Secretary-General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev in October 1986.

Russian reports indicated that the the Russian delegation was aware that Ronald Reagan has some sort of a medical condition during the summit. 

President Reagan became confused about the Russian proposal.

Some, including Reagan staffer Jack F. Matlock, Jr., attribute Reagan’s refusal to compromise on SDI testing to a mistaken belief that the proposed restrictions would be detrimental to the program, Matlock contened, the Russian proposal would have had little effect on research that was still in its very early stage.

Rightardia believes that Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's in his first term.His staff was probably aware of it but hid it form the public so the popular president could run for a second term in 2005. 

We also think Ronald Reagan started the decline of the middle class with his supply side economics. The tax policies of George HW Bush and George W Bush pushed the country into the Great Recession. The Bush Ownership society stabbed the middle class in the heart by pushing millions of Americans out of their homes. 

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