
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CNN exposes its neo-conservative bias

Rightardia had to laugh when Dana Bash interviewed a soldier in the Iowa caucus. She probably expected he would be the standard stereotyped conservative war monkey because of the large 911 tattoo he had on his neck.

Bash was wrong. She ran into a Ron Paul supporter. Paul has garnered a lot of money from people in the armed services possibly because Obama made promises he didn't keep about the middle east wars or was slow to implement. Here s a peek of political contributions from people in the armed services.

Rightardia's opinion is that Paul is doing better than Obama with armed services contributions because he is conservative and has more credibility on his promises than the president.

The soldier, CPL Jesse Thorsen, talked about how dangerous it would be to be "nitpicking wars with other countries, someone like Iran and that Israel is more than capable . . .(blip)

CNN tried to suppress the comment about Iran by dropping some frames and when that failed. CNN then pulled the plug on the corporal's comment that Israel could take care of itself.

The soldier had two tours in Afghanistan an was heading back for a third. By now He knew that Afghanistan was a proverbial military cluster f**k. Iran would be an even a bigger one. 

Some international relations experts suggest the US wants a permanent presence in Afghanistan to counter the Chinese presence in the middle east and that the Us will never leave the country.

In case you haven't noticed, few conservatives call CNN, the Communist News Network, anymore. The network has had a center right slant with people like Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, and former personalities such as Lou Dobbs and Glen Beck.  The last two easily moved over to Fox News.

The CNN move to center-right hasn't helped its ratings at all. It's ratings trail the other major news networks. 

It's clear that AIPAC, JINSA and other neo-conservative organizations are pressuring Obama to do something about Iran. They are dangling the carrot in front of him: 2012 campaign contributions

Ehud Barak, the Israeli Minister of Defense, just left Washington and Iran was certainly the reason for his visit. 

Does Iran threaten the US? Not at all.

Iran threatens Israeli nuclear superiority in the middle east.Once the Iranians develop a nuclear capability, the Israeli nukes will not deter Arab nations from attacking it. Both Israel and Iran will have mutually assured destruction (MAD) to borrow a term form the cold war. 

This will be a bad turn of events for Israel. But Israel has only itself to blame. It's had 60 years to settle with the Palestinians and has refused to do so. 

The Major was aware of Iranian war plans in the 1980s. Let's just say that Iran would be a tough nut to crack with its Zagros mountains. Its armed services is also a lot more capable today than it was then. 

What would attacking Iran get the US. That is the question? 

Rightardia can think of several negatives:
  1. an OPEC oil embargo
  2. huge increases in prices at the gas pump when the Strait of Hormuz is blocked. 
  3. Probable  loss of US naval ships and life. Remember what those Exocet missiles did in the Falklands? 
  4. An ecological disaster in the Persian gulf when Iran sinks a fully loaded oil tanker. 
  5. Another $ one trillion dollars down the hatch to fund the war. 
  6. An increase in US taxes to pay for the war at a bad time. 
  7. An increase in terrorism in the US
What are the pros. Besides making our ally, Israel, happy, Rightardia can't really think of any.


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