
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Harold Meyerson: For merit-based societies, look to Europe - Tampa Bay Times

Mittens: What kind of society does America want?

(Mitt) Romney told Wall Street Journal editors, will be "a very simple choice" between Obama's "European social democratic" vision and "a merit-based opportunity society — an American-style society — where people earn their rewards based on their education, their work, their willingness to take risks and their dreams." 

"Romney's assertions are the centerpiece of his, and his party's, critique not just of Obama but of American liberalism generally. But they fail to explain how and why the American economy has declined the past few decades — in good part because they betray no awareness that Europe's social democracies now fit the description of "merit-based opportunity societies" much more than ours does."

The Romney assertion is a great example of one per cent spin that has been the centerpiece of the GOP as long as Rightardia can remember. 

Even Bank of America admits that the the U.S., UK, and Canada are the key plutonomies - economies powered by the wealthy.Continental Europe (ex-Italy) and Japan are in the egalitarian bloc with social democracies that divide the fruits of society more equitably.  

Plutonomies are better for bank profits.  

In Europe and Japan, CEOs make about 11 times what the average worker makes. In the US CEOs make more than 300 times. 

Check out the Meyerson editorial. America is not an exceptional country. It's the one per cent who think they own America like Mitt Romney who are exceptional. The 1 per cent will do anything they can to maintain the status quo.

A new report from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) finds that social mobility between generations is dramatically lower in the U.S. than in many other developed countries.

The link between sibling and parental earnings is much higher in the US compared to other industrial countries which indicates low social mobility. 

Unfortunately a lot of Americans who should know better buy into this right wing BS! The Tea party comes to mind. 

source: For merit-based societies, look to Europe - Tampa Bay Times

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